Open Platform

Open platform is the opportunity to come along and support the upcoming speakers, demonstrators, teachers, healers and philosophers of tomorrow (£3) as well as the chance to come and share your knowledge, experiences and understanding as well as the chance to practice mediumship (£4). It is a friendly, social evening with Jean Harris to guide and support along the way.

Jean is a lovely lady who has been serving spirit for many years and is the president of Farnham Christian Spiritualist Church, as well as being a long friend of Reading Centre and always a delight to watch. Often seen working with her students and medium/friend Irene Hall (our president). Jean has worked hard and is again passing her knowledge and experience down and lending a helping hand. So do come along and join us. A big thank you to spirit, for all they do and teach us but also to Jean for running our open platform on the first Monday of every month!

Upcoming dates for open platform 2023

Monday 6th February

Monday 6th March

Monday 3rd April

Monday 5th June

Monday 3rd July

Monday 7th August

Monday 4th September

Monday 2nd October

Monday 6th November

Monday 4th December